Thursday, February 11, 2016

Fire Tower Lookout, February 11th, 2016

commentary by Emily
"Feb 11 was a bright, brisk, bracing, breath-taking  morning for a hike.  Four  hikers braved the road up to the Fire Tower Lookout and the Yellow Trail in the Sheriff Creek .   So brave we did not even use snowshoes !!!!  There was ice on the branches of trees at the top of the Fire Tower Lookout. It was spectacular to see those "crystals"  against the sun.  There were some fox, squirrel and mouse tracks on the fresh snow.  We did not hear too many birds.
One  distressing part of the hike was seeing   numerous  piles of dog excrement along the Yellow Trail.   It makes you  wonder  how many diseases can be spread from one dog to another by sniffing at dog excrement. "