Saturday, September 10, 2016

Jack Rabbit Trails, Sept 10, 2016

Commentary by Phill & Emily photos by Emily

Despite a negative forecast, a few intrepid type hikers tackled the Jackrabbit Trail in search of a lookout to have lunch. We never did find one, but did check out Doug's bench and the erratic nearby. A fun hike, despite feeling like we climbed Mt. DuFour several times, and finding several raunchy looking mushrooms. Where's Chuck when you need his help identifying these things?

Strange things in the forest ... a real Brigadoon Day.  We saw all manner of mushrooms. Some of them may have had magical powers. There were some that had some hallucinatory effects on people observing them.  One looked like it was mooning us . Another looked like parts of  Kim Kardashian's anatomy.. Unusual reactions were observed  in some of our hikers.  We may even have seen a forest gnome.   We even saw an unusual "enchanted spider".  It attacked Goran's boot.  PHOTOS