Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thursday April 29, 2010 Hike from Moose Lake to Ouellette Lake

From:  newjohn
 Thursday April 29, 2010 Hike from Moose Lake to Ouellette Lake
I led a baker's dozen on a hike through the marsh area at the lower end of Moose Lake through an old bush trail over to Ouellette Lake. Black fly season has officially begun, at least for some of the hikers that is. It seems that the sweeter smelling members were being bothered more than the rest of us.
We enjoyed lunch on the rocks in the sun on the shore of Ouellette and with the slight breeze it was almost bug free, (for some of us). By the time we reached the cars the black flies were quite noticeable although they didn't seem to be biting, I guess they haven't grown FANGS for this season yet. 
Welcome to two new hikers Judy and Jim.
New John B

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