Monday, January 20, 2025

TBA Sheriff creek pt 2 2025 01 20

 Mara, Camilla and I met up at the bank for 10, it was decided that we would go back to Sheriff creek and hike the opposite way as last time, this kept us mostly in the bush and the path was already trampled down so snowshoes were not needed. Despite the very cold conditions we were able to stop for pics and to look around and chat a bit, the sun was shining and the blue sky was a perfect backdrop to our little journey.


Sunday, January 19, 2025

Answer re: wearing of outdoor boots/shoes into French club 2025 01 19

 Our club has inquired as to whether or not we can wear outside boots/shoes into the French club during our mtgs and the answer is yes.

TBA to Sheriff Creek 2025 01 18

 Our small group of four set out on an early morning TBA hike, with Nikki and Brian taking the lead and as our un-official Hike leader and Sweep. Mara and I focused on capturing the moments with our cameras as we explored Sheriff Creek.

The day began with a chill in the air and a blanket of clouds overhead. We donned our snowshoes and started along the open berm, feeling the wind's cold touch. However, as we ventured into the forest, the trees provided some welcome relief from the wind, and the atmosphere became tranquil.

Skirting the bird watch stations, we made our way thru the forest along the powdery snow taking in the serene surroundings. Along the way, we had the pleasure of running into Orval and Bonnie, and we enjoyed a brief chat with them.

As we continued, the sun began to break through the clouds, revealing a clear blue sky. The snow-covered landscape sparkled in the sunlight, and we found ourselves appreciating the quiet beauty of the forest that surrounded us, everything was photo worthy!

Our hike lasted just under two hours, covering a little over three kilometers. It was a peaceful and refreshing morning, and by the time we returned to the truck, we felt a sense of contentment and appreciation for the natural beauty around us.


Friday, January 17, 2025

Reminder for all members 2025 01 17

 This Tues Jan 21st @ 7pm we will be having our General Mtg at the French Club, 3 Mary Walk. This is a very important mtg for our club so we ask all who can to please attend. 

Hike leaders, we will be having the Hike leaders mtg at 630pm, prior to the General mtg, please arrive a few minutes early so we can look after the scheduling of hikes before the main mtg, thank you.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Hidden L 2025 01 16

 Today was as perfect as you could get for a snowshoe hike, weather great lots of snow, everybody laughing, approx 3.25km in a little over 2 hrs... we shall let the pictures tell the story. Thanks to all who were able to make it out and to those who sent in the pics.


Monday, January 13, 2025

Moose Lodge to Horne L island & back 2025 01 13

 This mild Monday with a brisk South East wind, nine nimble people began a short but challenging hike from the Moose Lodge to Horne Lake Island. A short distance ,but, as Shakespeare said " She be little, but she be fierce!" 

The return trek was 4,5 k.m. The fresh  snow provided a scenic but, sinister cover for patches of glare ice, roots, rocks and missing boards on the boardwalks. 

All in all,  our  nine  nimble ninjas 🥷
 stayed upright as we stealthily climbed up and down and around obstacles... for the most part!
At least 4 of us decided to slide 🛝 down in a most dignified fashion, one particularly icy slope. Others navigated a less precipitous path.

Otter,  squirrels,  mice and snowshoe hare tracks were here and there through the bush.

A great way to start the day!


Thursday, January 09, 2025

Helens Trail 2025 01 09

 Today was bright and cold but thankfully no wind, once we got into the bush on Helens trail it was good to go. The path was actually packed down so snowshoes were not needed and though most had crampons on they were only really needed in one section with ice, total hike was around 4.25km and took around 2hrs, made it out to Northspan Lake and back. Thanks to all who were able to come out and support the hike and to those who sent in pics. Thanks to Rowdy Roddy for clearing some blow downs, and Jackie for sweeping


Wednesday, January 08, 2025

Club reminder 2025 01 08

 Reminder to all club members, we have a General Mtg on Tues Jan 21st at 7pm at our new location which is the French Club @ 3 Mary Walk. 

There are many important issues to be discussed about how the club moves forward, and we hope you can make the time to attend the mtg.

Monday, January 06, 2025

Mon morn hike 2025 01 06

 Minus 14 C temperatures were not cool enough to daunt 8 Coureurs de Bois hikers.  

We started from the parking area near the unleashed dog park on Washington Crescent.  A trail along a partially  frozen  creek brought us to the Old Glendon Park ski trail. 

Ice, hard packed snow and frozen bare ground kept us careful as we headed west. Chickadees found us near some home made bird feeders.  Huge green water bottles had been put together to repell squirrels while keeping the birdies fed!

Further along the trail we saw the beaver dam . Behind it was a frozen pond that otters had run and scooted across. 

Snowshoe hare and squirrel tracks crisscrossed among the trees in the Bellingham Bush near the tree stand. We stopped for a brief snack and returned by the same trail. 

4.5 km in total. 

Thanks to Dave A. for sweeping and to Mara K. for being our photographer. 

Tues Jan 7th hike 2025 01 06

 Spine Road Ski Trail: around 4 km in total. No snowshoes but crampons optional as there's many bare spots with the ground showing. Temperatures of around -13°C or colder expected plus wind chill, so dress accordingly. Bring an extra layer. I'll be wearing a balaclava and goggles and will have a thermos of hot chocolate.