Tuesday, October 29, 2013

***** The VTA and the Trans Canada Trail *****

This is a motion that was passed at the Annual General Meeting of the Voyageur Trail Association on Oct 26 in Bruce Mines.  This has to do with the Trans Canada Trail and the affiliation between the VTA and the TCT.
2013.06.02 Trans Canada Trail (Susan Graham): TCT is looking for us to commit to building/maintaining the route of the VTA trail between the Soo and Sudbury as the TCT “spine” of the route, or de-register which allows the TCT to support the proposed cycling route as the “spine” instead. Don McGorman, Susan Graham and Gayle Phillips met with Melissa Pomeroy last Thursday evening to talk about the TCT affiliation and Susan gave a report. After much discussion the following motion was made:
MOTION by Susan (seconded by Gayle Phillips): Susan to inform Melissa that the VTA supports the cycling trail route as the ‘spine’ of the TCT across Northern Ontario and the VTA trail route as a secondary affiliated route for primarily hiking use only. (carried) (closed)"
"This does not change our VTA trails .  All it does is mean that the main Trans Canada Trail is going to be along the highway 17 corridor as  a biking route and in some places a canoe route. Our VTA trails are off-shoots or secondary  trails of the main TCT.   The Trans Canada  trail between Thunder Bay and Sault Ste Marie will now be a Blue Way which is  a canoe / kayak route.  The land routes of the VTA between Thunder Bay and SSM  will still be maintained as  before but as secondary routes to the TCT. "