Thursday, October 17, 2024

Golf Course 2024-10-17

On another beautiful fall day 9 hikers headed out to the golf course.  Wide open vista with trees still in colour made it a perfect hike.  We skirted the fairways and greens until we reach the Eagle Trail.  We stopped under a group of tall trees in full leaf and sunshine coming through for a light snack.

We had a visitor who works at our local hospital join us.  Quite the photo pics for her to send to her home to show them our beautiful home.

BTW  note to Dave left one of your golf balls behind.  Hope you find it.  LOL    PHOTOS

Trans-Canada Trail 2024 10 17

It was another perfect fall day when a group of dirty dozen, including a new hiker, tackled the section of the Trans-Canada Trail between Nordic Mine Rd. and Westner Lake. There was still some mist in the air when we set off, but it soon cleared and we were treated to some lovely views from the ridge. The trail went up and down and included some steep climbs that tested our legs and our lungs. We stepped carefully, trying to avoid rocks and other surprises lurking beneath the thick carpet of leaves. We stopped at several lookouts that offered welcome rest and the chance to bask in the October sun. Spirits were high, conversation flowed freely, and everyone enjoyed being out amid the colourful scenery on such a glorious day.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Fall clean-up reminder 2024 10 16

 Sat Oct 19th is the date in which the Coureurs de Bois Outdoor club will be doing its annual Fall Hwy clean-up from the Airport down to Depot Lake. The last two clean-ups we have been fortunate to have enough volunteers for two teams to tackle this 2km stretch of road. If its possible for you to come out and help with the clean-up it would be greatly appreciated. We will meet up at Scotia bank at 10am.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Thurs Oct 17th morning hike 2024 10 15

 Thursday’s hike will be the section of the Trans-Canada Trail between Algom Nordic Mine Rd. and the west end of Westner Lake. This is a one-way hike. We will start at Nordic Mine Rd., hike west and end up back at the bank. The route is about 8 km and should take 3 to 3.5 hours. The first section follows the ridge with some nice views of the area. This is not a particularly difficult hike, but the trail is a bit overgrown in places and there are a couple of steep sections. Also the trail is quite rocky and the leaves can make the footing treacherous, so sturdy hiking shoes or boots are a must.

Mississagi PP 2024 10 15


Down..up...down...flat, then back up again best describes todays beautiful fall hike up at the park. Took the road in all the way to the beach then back along the Semiwite creek trail ( nearest the creek ) back out to the Ranger cabin then up to the vehicles. 3.6km in 1hr 27min even got a couple of flakes floating down to remind us of what is not too far away, all 10 hikers seemed to enjoy the morning and I thank them for supporting the hike.


Monday, October 14, 2024

Sheriff Lake 2024 10 14

 Sue led a dozen out around the Sherif lake trail. A side trip up a hill to search for that lookout was without avail but lots of panting and a sense of well being was.

Back along and into the first viewing of the lake for a snack that turned out as a search for wind shadow or sun shine.
Snack over we bundled ourselves back on track and proceeded along the trail, beside the creek and so back to the cars.. no fresh sign of beaver activity..
Saw 4 dog walkers and 8 or more dogs.
saw a female robin and heard a crow.
The coloured leaves were on the trail and less than half have fallen. Janie said they sounded like eating a bag of chips..
Cold wind to start but warmed as we did. Quite pleasant by our return.


Saturday, October 12, 2024

McCabe Lake 2024 10 12

 Twelve hikers set out to enjoy a lovely hike on a wonderful fall day. The trail to McCabe lake is in great shape and with the fallen leaves it was even more awesome.

The hills seemed longer and steeper coming back out after a nice break on the shores of the lake, but that was what made the sight of the cars more inviting to the leader.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Heaven’s Gate Ridge 2024 10 10


 It was a day when human fate hung in the balance and every step portended certain doom. Six valiant hikers braved the fearsome wilds of the Heaven’s Gate Ridge to conquer the legendary Mt. Ararat. We stood on the precipice of death and gazed into the abyss. But by the power of heaven and the earth and all that is holy, we prevailed!


Ok, on a lighter note, it was a great hike. The weather was perfect and the views from the summit were spectacular. And despite a few minor setbacks, including losing the trail a couple of times and the hike leader getting his directions mixed up, it was a complete success. We covered over 13 km in 7 hours over rough terrain with significant elevation gains. The team performed admirably and did the hike leader proud. Thanks to Sue the sweep for cracking her whip and keeping us on track.


Thursday, October 10, 2024

Hiker Chicks 2024-10-09

The Hiker Chicks enjoyed their time at the Maple Restaurant on Tuesday evening.  Excellent food, good company, good conversation and lots of laughter.  PHOTOS

Tuesday, October 08, 2024

 David led a large group (16-17?) of bushwackin hikers up the Trans Canada Trail from the golf course to rainbow ridge.

The trail up had a few downed branches and some tricky leaf/moss covered rocks. We stopped at a lookout over a deep valley and rocky ridge and then followed our trail to Rainbow ridge.
Overlooking two small lakes and a view down to Manitoulin and the north shore. we played spot the landmark, had a snack and a drink and a natter.. seems everyone had a dentist story or two today.
Coming back down the white marked trail we found many blowdowns.. a couple of years of not clearing add up. We left the Eagle trail to go around Ryan lake and that trail was not good..
This club loves a challenge however, so we forged ahead with the eagle eyed crew spotting trail markers, even on fallen trees.
We eventually got around the trail, (mostly on the trail) and rejoined the TCT.
Back around the east end of Ryan lake and past the golf green and so back to the cars..
I had 7,300 steps.. all up or down... back by 12:30..
Cool wind in the morning but lovely in the woods as the frost overnight melted in the bright sun. What a day to be alive.