Sunday, April 25, 2010

Advanced hike, Trans Canada Trail

Jean-Guy and Fred are arranging an ADVANCED HIKE for Saturday, 1st. May, on a scenic section of the Trans Canada Trail from Granary Lake north of Blind River to Rossmere Creek near the Pipeline Road. This is about an 8 hour/15 km. hike and has some very steep sections to negotiate. Although open to all, only those members that feel they can handle this distance should consider making this hike.
Fred will be the hike leader, but Jean-Guy is gathering names of those interested. Call him at 848 2544 BY WEDNESDAY, 28 April, for more details and/or suggestions.
This hike will meet at 8am. on the 1st. May (place to be determined) and may involve car shuttles.
An easy hike at 10am. will be available as usual, led by Liz & Phill