Monday, June 21, 2010

Back from the Wild Wet West

Pics from "New " John from their trip out to the wet west. Thx., see comments below.

Back from the Wild Wet West
We arrived home late last night from our trip to the West coast. It was four weeks of cold wet weather, the sun finally shone when we hit Wisconsin on the way home. I think those West coast people really do live in la-la land, everywhere we went they were wearing sun glasses and putting on sun screen. I talked to one young guy who had just moved out there and he hasn't figured out what's up with the sun glasses and sun screen either. Dianne is convinced that they are all " Day walkers". Still it was a good trip, they have been spending mountains of money south of the boarder on road repairs so the highways were in perfect condition. I ate way to much and the final tally, gained seven pounds, so it's back to the gym on Monday.
I'm sending along some pics of Devil's Tower in Wyoming, and Craters of the Moon in Idaho.

New John B