Saturday, April 23, 2011

Nominations for Management Committee

At the end of 2011 the existing Management Committee is required by the the club constitution to resign and nominations are then accepted for a new Committee. What often occurs is that some of the old Committee members are reelected, either in their previous position or a new position on the Committee and other members stand for the vacant positions.
The Committee is comprised of a President, Vice President, Trail Master, Treasurer and Secretary. Resigning President becomes Past President and sits on the committee also.
This year, all but one or two of the existing members are resigning for good and not seeking reelection.
You can see this means that, unless other members step up, the club may not have sufficient Committee members, as directed by the constitution, to continue to operate as a club.
We will soon be putting a Nominating Committee together and I urge you to think seriously about standing for one of the positions on the Management Committee and keep this very viable club going.