Friday, May 06, 2011

Victoria Falls & Mountain

Little Serpent River
We had a beautiful spring day for the hike to Victoria Falls and the mountain. 11 turned out for the journey past Cutler and into the bush alongside the Serpent River as it continued its' headlong fall to the North Channel. We were lucky to see the river in full freshet, made even larger in volume by the recent rains. Thx to "Only "John for the pictures. Hint- click or double click on them to enlarge.
 The Victoria Falls
 It is rare to see this amount of water running over the falls

 Recent rain damage to the road in. Luckily, not the one we took!
 The penstock running to the Hydro station
 Another falls further up river
 Starting the climb up Mt. Victoria
 Rest stop
 The Top!
 Almost as difficult going down

Looking back at the mountain top