Monday, May 23, 2011

Volunteers needed

On Wednesday, 18th. May, we cleared a mound of accumulated garbage from the Porridge Lake Trail where it crosses near Fox Drive, mainly the usual Tim Hortons cups and water bottles. On Monday, Victoria Day, 7 of us cleaned the sides of Hwy 108 from Airport Rd. to and including the Depot Lake boat launch.
Thanks to Chuck, Diane, Emily, Gerry, Liz, Nickie and Phill for their efforts. Nickie found a $5 bill and Phill a 25' tape measure.
We plan on signing on the Porridge Lake Trail on Wednesday, 25th. May, in the afternoon. Easy work attaching the signs to the pre-erected posts. If you would like to help, meet at the end of Brunet, near the lake at the Trailhead sign at 1pm.  (Brunet is 1st. right off Esten Nth. after you leave Hwy 108)