Coureurs de Bois Outdoors Club
Members present - 24Emily opened the meeting at 7 p.m. welcoming all in attendance.
Emily introduced all the new committee.
New members and guests were welcomed.
Motion was made by Phil B. that the previous Minutes of Nov. 15, 2011 be approved.
Motion was seconded by Darla M., accepted and carried forward.
Thanks were given to Al and Charlotte for their hard work in preparing and arranging our annual
Christmas party.
Emily thanked Phil B. for his " mentoring'' of the new committee and will continue to ask him for advice.
The " Walk and Gawk" hike is still a go.
The Cobra sign is still being worked on in care of Alan Day and will be ready around April/May.
Treasurer/Secretary Report
Donna reported that the available balance in account was $ 3,486.07.
Christmas dinner ticket sales were $ l, 800.00 ( 72 tickets sold).
Cost for Christmas dinner and hall rental was $ l. 564.68.
Donna stated that she would be sure the Welcome Centre has ample supply of forms for VTA memberships.
Donna asked that hike leaders hand in sign up sheets every three months for her to send to VTA. Motion made by Darla M and seconded by Barb C to accept. Motion carried forward.
Report from Trailmaster
John B. stated the it is two functions: - to monitor trails and to keep trails in shape.
Volunteers for trail clearing will be on " off - hike" days in spring and fall.
Gerry J will let John know the phone number of person in charge of the Cobra Trail when time
comes to do trail clearing.
Our club had " adopted" the section of hwy 108 between airport and Depot lake for cleanup in May and October.
John keeps track of a log of the people/hours/expenses for trail clearing.
Upcoming Events
Grant M. mentioned the following dates for special hikes;
March 3 - hike to Nancy-Jo-s cottage.
March 20 - our next general meeting.
May 3 - hike to Victoria Falls.
May 10 - hike to Mount McBean.
May 26- hike leaders course by Gerry J.
May 22 - general meeting.
May 29 - hike leaders meeting.
Winterfest February 25.
Grant needs more volunteers and leaders
Phil B will contact the city about our snowshoe hike that day
Grant mentioned thatT GPS's are available for those who want to use them
Phil B. made a motion that one GPS ( GPS Garmin 12) unit is obsolete and that we give it to Grant
Gerry J. seconded the motion and all were in favor.
January 28 - VTA meeting in Sault Ste. Marie will be attended by Emily and John B. for our club
Other Business
Emily mentioned some imporlant things to remember on our hiking days:
- the whistle stops are: 1 blast means Stop, 2 blasts means Come Back to the Whistle, 3 blasts
means Come Back fast to the Whistle due to an emergency
- listen to the hike leader in the circle for safety reasons.
- keeping close as a group when on a hike.
- water is essential on all hikes.
For those interested in Geo-Caching websites are available
Leisure hikes are are being worked on - time and day are being worked on
Emily asked for suggestions for any guest speakers at future meetings
Al and Charlotte have booked the 2012 Christmas party for December 15
Share the Wealth of $ 12.00 soes to Phil b.
Shelley motioned the meeting be adjourned at 8 pm.
Minutes prepared by Donna Condon