Wednesday, November 21, 2012

This 'n that

From Emily

  • 40th Anniversary for VTA: Please give your ideas to celebrate this event  to Gerry Jean before Nov. 27.  One idea we had discussed last night was to hike the entire Coureurs de Bois section of the VTA . This is a distance of about 95 km. This could be done over a period of 3 days....and not necessarily consecutive days!! Any other ideas are welcome. Gerry's number is 705-461-6304 
  • Cookout Saturday, Dec 8: Grant is organizing this as part of the Easy Hike on that day. Bring your own hot dogs etc to be cooked over the fire. Mustard, Ketchup etc will be supplied. More information as the date approaches. 
  • Dec. 15 Christmas Party Tickets: Our tickets sellers are contacting the hiking club members on their membership lists. If you know of a club member who is not on the membership list and who would like a ticket please contact Barry Hunt at 705-578-2640 
  • Volunteers needed to ask local businesses to purchase advertisement space in the new VTA Guidebook. This job will be done in January. Information about cost of ad space in the booklet will be sent to us before then. Call Emily if you would like to help sell ad space.