Wednesday, March 02, 2016

*****General Meeting Minutes for January 19th, 2016

General Meeting January 19, 2016

Members present - 13
George H opened meeting at 7 pm, welcoming all

Minutes of Meeting of November 17, 2015 approved by Phil B and seconded by Gerry J

Presidents Report ( read by George H)

The agreement for the Highway Cleanup between our club and the MTO has been renewed. The agreement is in effect for five years and automatically renews every year unless we advise MTO otherwise

Trail-Masters Report

Ron will be calling out for help for removal of many fallen trees from the wind storm in December past

This will include Snowshoe Trail, Helen's Trail, Horne Island trail, and others as they become known

Coureurs de Bois members put in 200 volunteer hours for clearing the golf course for skiing

Many thanks go to Gerry R and Don R for using their machines and grooming the golf course trails for skiing

Secretary-Treasurer Report

Donna reported all incoming and outgoing transactions and bank balance since last meeting of November 17, 2015

Copies of the VTA newsletters are available

Our membership stands at approximately 95

Motion to approve the report by Gerry J and seconded by Gerry R

Old Business

George H made suggestions for the Paddle and Hike Days. In order to promote attendance by more paddlers, we could have each club host one of the days, being either late spring or fall

Many thanks go out to Sheila, Donna, Gayle, Emily, June, Shirley, Diane, Pam, Nickie and all those who helped made the Christmas Party such a success

 New Business

A motion was made to invite the Algoma Paddlers and Penokeans to join us at our next Christmas Party by Phil B and seconded by Jim M, all were in favor

George H suggested we continue on with car-pooling as much as possible to our hike destinations

The upcoming Winterfest sign-up sheets for volunteers are available

The upcoming Snowbirds Fun Run sign-up sheets for volunteers are available

Monthly Rio Algom newsletters are available for those interested

Gerry J spoke to us about the snowshoes – anyone wanting to borrow them will call him

Gerry J spoke of Hike Ontario putting on a 55+ safe hiker course for $ 15.00. If we have a minimum of 6 people in our club Gerry J will do the course in May

George H spoke about the various difficulties of snowshoeing or hiking, reminding us that Monday are leisure, Tuesday and Saturday are easy and Thursday are intermediate.
We should be concerned about the pace, all hikes are supposed to be as fast as the slowest hiker
We should all stay between the lead and the sweep, with the lead always in sight for the sweep to see
It should be the sweep who give the “ go ahead” for the leader to continue when the group stops

A suggestion was made by Donna to possibly have a social spagetti supper this spring

A petition is available for the Algoma Paddlers for those to sign regarding what is happening with them

When trail clearing we will continue to have someone in high traffic areas on the trails to advise of trail clearing ahead being done when a hiker comes upon it

Upcoming Events

The Winterfest Snowshoe Hike will be March 5, 2015

The Snowbirds Fun Run will be March 6, 2015

Our next general meeting will be March 22, 2016
Our next hike leaders meeting will be April 12, 2016

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 pm by Phil B and seconded by Jim M

Minutes of Meeting prepared by Donna Condon