Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Spur Lake, May 25th, 2017

Commentary by Emily 
Thursday, May 25 was a dreary, dark and damp day until 4 fearless hikers decided it was time to head to Spur Lake. As we tiptoed through the puddles along the ATV / OFSC trail towards Esten Lake Boat Lunch and Spur Lake the sun made valiant attempts to burn through the clouds. At times, rain was falling while the sun briefly shone. We could not see any rainbows. The blackflies were not too bad... because the mosquitoes were hungrier! A few stops to adjust bug hats and squirt on some more Deep Woods Off and we continued along the trail. The bush has begun "green up" time. We could see many shades of that colour. More plants have become visible: violets, solomon seal, pink corydalis and strawberry blossoms to name a few. A few times we caught a whiff of maybe a fox and bear in the vicinity but no critter sightings. There were waves on Spur Lake from a cool west wind. The bugs were carried away by the wind only to have it bring more bugs from the bush behind us!! No photos available to protect the innocent.