General Meeting March 20th/2018
Members Present – 24
Laura C. opened the meeting at 6:50 pm
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved by Gerry J. and seconded by Jim M.
Guest Speaker
City councillor Ed Pearce spoke on what is happening with Mississagi Park, and plans for future development that would include involvement with the First Nations People. An interesting activity in the park this summer will be Wild Rice Harvesting which will take place from August 8th- August 11th. Ed is working hard on getting some grants for the park and he would like it to remain a “wilderness park”. Our group will continue our involvement in the park as per usual. (maintaining Semiwite Creek and Helenbar trails) He is very open to suggestions from all of us!
President’s Report
- A highway clean-up will be scheduled for early May. Keep your eye on the blog for more details!
- The Denison Mine Environmental Orientation Meeting will be on Wednesday March 28th @ 1:30pm. It is strongly suggested that all Hike Leaders attend. If you can’t make it that day, another session can be booked in April. If you attended in 2017, past orientation has expired. Text or call Laura @ 827-1065 if you wish to attend.
- Shared Use Trail Meeting - Dan Gagnon is the new CAO for the Economic Development Council of E.L. and is very receptive to the club, which bodes well for us.
- Miscellaneous - The annual North Shore Forestry schedule is up. Notices are in The Elliot Lake Standard as well about tree planting, aerial spraying, etc.
- It looks like our stipend request from the city will be approved.
Vice-President’s Report
Winterfest activities went very well! We had 49 snowshoers out to enjoy a leisurely hike with hot chocolate and weenies on Horne Island. Possible ideas for next year include advertising at the Ren Centre to encourage another demographic to attend, as well as a possible start location to be the Civic Centre or Spine beach. The races at the ski-hill did not seem to affect participation, so we may keep the date the same for next year. (during Winterfest)
Trail Masters Report
- Our request for new chainsaws, bush saws and other equipment valued at approx. $5,600 was submitted to the City’s Shared-Use Trail Committee. Approval pending. Shared-use equipment will be stored at the White Mountain Academy, and will be maintained by the city.
Astrid moved to have our current equipment that is stored in Ron’s garage be stored at the Snowbirds Snowmobile Club, seconded by Gerry J.
- The bridge in the Cobre Trail will be replaced this summer with a grant from the MNR. It will not be done by us.
- Marty said could use another chainsaw. Gerry J. moved to advance money for this, second by Jim M.
- We are also looking into the possibility of getting money from the VTA for a chainsaw.
- Chainsaw training for all those who signed up is still proceeding. Date TBA.
- The Junior Ranger program at the park will be going on again this year, and we are able to use them to help with trail clearing in the park.
Secretary/Treasurers Report
Jackie S. reported all transactions since our last meeting in January. Approved by Gerry J., seconded by Jim M
Ongoing Business
- George H. reported on the clubs’ affiliation with the VTA and we heard about insurance savings if we deal directly with “Hike Ontario”. He will continue to research this and report back at the next meeting, including the club organization structure (if any) required to deal with “Hike Ontario”.
- After some lively discussion about our club name “Coureurs de Bois Outdoor Club” it was resolved to keep our name the same. Moved by Grant M, seconded by Jim M. Motion carried by a vote of 20 – 3.
- Phill Barnes is still looking into how to grade our “easy” hike trails.
New Business
- Gerry J. says we need to replace the harnesses on our children’s snowshoes, and one snowshoe from Winterfest needs to be fixed. Gerry moves to get approval for snowshoe repair, second by Jim M.
- Trivia Night will be at the Curling Club on April 13th @ 6:30 pm. Last year we had two teams and did well! The cost is $20 pp. Let’s beat those librarians! Contact Jim M. if you are interested @ 705-848-6035.
- Donna C. reported that we are now 101 members strong! Yay!!!!
- Hike Leader Sheets are available from Jackie S. Contact her if you need more by text or phone @416-560-7263
Hike Leaders meeting is scheduled for March 27th @ 2:30 pm at the Snowbirds’ Trailer.
The next meeting General Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday May 15th @ 7pm at the Snowbirds’ Trailer.
Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm. Minutes prepared by Jackie Schuknecht