A gusty SW wind kept us cooled during our hike on Milliken Minesite from the gate to Sherrif Lake. Eleven hikers shared information about different plants we saw. We checked out a log that a bear??? had chewed looking for grubs. There were 2 beaver lodges on a small pond that drew our attention.
The roadway that we hiked paralleled Sherriff Creek. In spots it was very faint compared to its rushing spring levels. Other areas had lily pads almost covering the slow moving creek from one bank to the other. Finally we came to the dam that controls the water flowing out of Sherriff Lake into that creek.
People were interested in hearing that is the lake that feeds the creek that flows into the marshy area known as Sherriff Creek Conservation Area.
We enjoyed a snack break on the shore of Sherriff Lake.
The shaded areas along the trails and the SW wind combined to make the warm pm temperatures a bit more tolerable.
The distance covered was about 3. 5 km