Monday, February 12, 2024


 12 February 2024

Coureurs de Bois Outdoors Club,

My name is Alexandria Dionne, and I am the community representative for BHP’s Legacy Assets. I hope this letter finds you well. I am reaching out because your Club recently accessed BHP’s Stanleigh mine site in  Elliot Lake for a winter hike. 

The Stanleigh Mine site is a closed mine with people and equipment working on site, legacy mine features, and other potential hazards. We also periodically conduct beaver trapping, which can present a risk to any canine hiking companions. As a result, the Stanleigh Mine Site in Elliot Lake is closed to the public.

We appreciate your appreciation for the natural beauty of the Stanleigh Mine site in Elliot Lake. BHP has worked hard to rehabilitate and remediate the site and we are proud of the results. But the site still has active operations. For everyone’s safety, please refrain from accessing the Stanleigh Mine site for your Club’s outdoor activities.

We have worked with the City of Elliot Lake and the Penokean Hills Field Naturalists to provide public recreation opportunities. You may obtain information regarding the areas that are open to the public by contacting the City of Elliot Lake.

BHP also requests that you remove any reference to Stanleigh Mine Road on your website, including naming the road as the location of your Club’s winter hike on 1 February. The reference may give others the incorrect impression that the Stanleigh Mine Road is open for public recreation.

Please reach out to the contact below with any questions.

Thank you.

Stay safe,

Alexandria Dionne