Thursday, February 29, 2024

WOLF RUN 2024 02 29

 Seven committed winter hikers gathered at the meeting place and, ignoring the cold wind, agreed to join the leader in an exploration of a side trail on Wolf Run.  The trail was very solid and snowshoes were not needed so we happily strolled along the established snowmachine trail to our side trail which had only ATV ruts to follow - no problem, although not quite as solid, it still supported us without snowshoes!  The side trail led us up to a stinky marsh area but in short order we were across the dam and out of range of the smell.  The trail provided a lovely 'forest bathing' experience past some wet areas, through mixed forest and then predominantly coniferous trees, and along another marshy area that was trying to be a lake.  The trail began petering out and finally ended at the far end of the lake.  The leader noted the fact that the main Wolf Run trail had to be on the other side of the lake and, in true adventure mode, Kevin broke out his Gaia and determined that we were, indeed, a mere 200m north of that trail.  He and Tim encouraged the group to give it a try and we were off! Even without a trail to follow, we managed to stay on top of the crusty snow... apart from only a couple of minor break-throughs. The adventure included crossing below a dam and then a couple of open water creeks but in short order, we were back on the main trail and so invigorated by it all that everyone's toes were now warm!   We decided to head back to enjoy a  break in the sunshine beside the sound of the waterfalls near the beginning of the hike.  It was not a long or arduous hike but the impromptu bushwacking provided a bit of excitement... and there is promise of more adventure along this trail!  Another wonderful day in the woods!