Saturday, February 17, 2024


 Minus 25 C temperatures did not deter a small group of diehard hikers. 

The sunny, blue skies were an added bonus as we set off on westbound trails from Paris Avenue to trails that led us to the shore of Slipper Lake for lunch. 

We saw ice fishing huts and skidoos on the lake. One ice fisherman told us that perch were biting.

In honour of New York Fashion Week  2 of our hikers used the stiletto heel option on their snowshoes to ascend one particularly steep hill.  Their verdict was that the heel support would be very good on longer steep terrain.

People checked out a huge tree that had been a buffet for hungry pileated woodpeckers. Chickadees and ravens were about as we headed back to the cars. 
Wolf tracks followed the trail along the east shore of Slipper Lake. 

It was a relatively short snowshoe hike of almost 6 km but challenging enough with hilly terrain and some trail stomping. We each took turns breaking trail.