Tuesday, March 12, 2024

HWY 546 ROAD WALK 2024 03 12

March 12 hike was along Hwy 546 from the intersection with 639 to a  small lake that is unofficially called Thunder Boom Lake and then back.
This was a total distance of 10 km
The weather was good with sunny skies and no wind. 
Ten of us set a brisk pace along Hwy 546. We crossed 3 bridges over the Little White River, the Kendiogami River and Camp Eight Creek.
  It was a rather busy little roadway judging by the number of times we yelled "Car" .

A partridge  or ruffled grouse , pine grosbeaks , chickadees were spotted along the road.  At our lunch spot we heard the thunderous sounds from the ice moving  on the small lake as it melted.  We also found a skeleton of a squirrel near a campfire circle on the lake.  Someone else's lunch, perhaps?

Ten hikers and ten kilometers.  
Two perfect 10's!!