Saturday, June 15, 2024

Participaction #12 2024 06 15

 Helenbar trail clearing...  11 hikers 7.7km   4.5 hr's

I led a trail clear/hike up to the park. The Helenbar. 11 of us split up and went in two directions. We met in the middle and continued on in our own direction.
Lots to clear. A big Hemlock has fallen and cleared a large smooth rock on the trail.
Saw some very large tadpoles at the beach on Semiwhite lake. Started to grow legs..
Bunch berry, trefoil, buttercup, lady slipper, red and yellow hawkweed, blueball lily has green berries, wintergreen, cucumber, lots of striped maple, some maple leave had red (bright pink) veins or just mottled with pink. birds chirping at us,
7.7 km in 4.5 hours.. mossies got thick at the end.

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