Saturday, June 08, 2024

Participaction hike #6 2024 06 08

Washington S.D to BB on Esten lake   7 hikers  9km's  3.5 hrs

Dave led 7 of us on a 3.5 hour hike from Washington snow dump to the big beach on Esten Lake. (9 kms on the nose.) and return. a few long hills, large puddles (we skirted them) and a few muddy sections. The mossies were not too bad as we had a breeze most of the time. It was a yellow day. Yellow water lilies starting at the bridge, buttercups open and the odd paintbrush bloom.. Spruce trees putting out the light green tips. Red Pine pollen cones (male) loaded . Maples and Striped Maples seem to be fully leaved now. Saw toothed poplar and yellow birch almost full. we saw a turtle sunning at the turn, fresh mud and sticks on the beaver lodge, 1 lonely squirrel, swallowtail butterfly, and heard a white throated sparrow.. Bonnie and Orval joined us. Ginette swept.. coffee and chat...