Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Nordsten Woods 2024 07 30

 Well, I'm not going to say don't trust the weather-forecasters I'm just going to say don't always trust the weather-forecasters, because sometimes they are wrong. Seven of us joined up at the bank and then headed over to park at the corner of Esten N and Pearson, from there we walked down Esten and then disappeared into the woods. The skeeters were letting us know they were still around from time to time but it wasn't enough to dissuade us from our 3.2km hike, it was a little humid and thankfully the sun stayed mostly hidden keeping the temps from spiking. Despite the warm weather there were several signs of Fall approaching, a quick break here and a quick sip there and before you knew it we were back at the vehicles saying our farewells. Mr Bear made his appearance on Pearson as we drove back to the bank but he was not too interested in our vehicles as he lumbered back into the bush.
