For tomorrows hike to Old Baldy, please make sure to wear proper footwear and clothing, hiking poles are also recommended, the forecast is for sunny skies and 56F at the bank in the morn to 72F when we get back to Laurentian lodge, a light rain jacket or wind breaker might come in handy for the boat ride over to Old Baldy in the morning and can be left in the boat if you don't want it on the hike. Even though we are going to the Lodge for something to eat when we return make sure to take adequate water and a small snack for the hike.
Please arrive a few minutes before 9am if you can so we can get everyone signed up and car pooling figured out, after names and numbers I'll give everyone a boat number that they will be in which will speed things up at the Lodge.
As this is a limited group that is going, as soon as everyone that is on the list arrives we will get things sorted out then leave.
Don and Eva will be going up to the lodge to make sure our boats are ready for us when we arrive. One other note to mention is that I'm not sure if the lodge restaurant is open for anyone to use the washrooms before we get in the boats, we will be getting back to the lodge approx 1:45pm so plan accordingly
cya'll in the morning.