Monday, August 12, 2024

Paul Echle trail 2024 08 12

 A beautiful morning  enticed six CdeB out for a hike along Paul Echle Trail.  It had been quite a while since any of us had been on this trail, and we were keen to revisit it.  The sight lines in a deciduous forest allow you to see the beautiful vistas created over time - the random boulders left behind by the ice or tumbled down from rock shelves, interesting tres shapes, the massive fallen trees and the sun shining through the leaves. The woods were very quiet, and, judging by the variety of scat noticed on the trail, we are not the only ones making use of the trail. 

We followed the ATV trail on the south side of the lake, hoping to find the path down to Westner Lake. We found a marker but  not an clear path.  Louise and Dave did most of the work clearing our way, and we were able to enjoy our break at the water's edge. The lookout tower was across the lake and evidence of beaver activity was apparent though several trees were left on shore.
Our return was along the same route, except we stayed on the ATV trail, thinking to get back to the ski hill from the ATV trail rather than down the Bunny HIll.  Great plan, but a huge water puddle resulted in a slightly longer detour back to our cars.  A lovely trail, good company and perfect weather.