Sunday, August 25, 2024

Pipeline Rd to Quimby Lake 2024-08-24

David led 6 of us out pipeline road to the ATV trail down the hill to Quimby lake at the falls.. very little water coming over the Elliot dam.. watched small fish at the bridge by the largest white pine I know of in the area.

Water break at the point looking down towards the narrows on quimby. Back on the trail up to the dam for conversing and snack..

Back along the trail, mostly up hill.. wondering how people get trailers down here.
Lots of loose boulders on the trail. Large swamp that looks like perfect moose food. 
Fall flowers out, goldenrod, joe pye, chicory, fall asters, to name a few..
Only 2+ hours but plenty of hill.. no puddles, even the one that is "always" there.. only a muddy patch now.  Clouds started and legs said no to Red trail..
Coffee after!