Monday, September 02, 2024

Spine beach to Slipper lake 2024 09 02

 David led the leisure hike this week, from Spine Beach through the woods to Slipper Lake. A "NEW" trail for some..  a couple of small hills got the heart rate up and some fancy footwork kept us out of the muddy spots.  We took a bush trail to avoid the beaver marsh and rejoined the main trail in time to climb up to the start of the Bear Bait trail.

Then down to All Nations road and on to the beach/boat launch on Slipper for a water break.
Back to the Slipper Lake trail, down the east side to the last point for a rest and snack and natter.
Refreshed, we retraced our steps with no mishaps, back to the cars..
Thanks Jean Guy for sweep.

We heard a pileated woodpecker and saw loads of wildflowers. Fall asters are out on cue.