Monday, September 09, 2024

Spur Lake 2024 09 09

 Spur Lake was the destination for the hike today. Eleven energetic hikers drove to the gravel area on Esten Lake Boat Launch Road. 

There we met a gentleman target practicing with a crossbow. We chatted a bit and parked at a safe distance from his target area!!!

It had been raining last night so we stayed on the road and the ATV trail heading to Spur Lake.  There was a cormorant diving and re- surfacing about 30 yards from the dock.

There were a few large puddles in the usual low spots along the way. There were a few small frogs jumping in and  hiding as we carefully navigated around those "ponds".

Beautiful blue sky and calm waters provided a lovely lunch area on Spur Lake.  Some good conversation were  had about previous events and future adventures.

Many thanks to Janey for being our sweep!

Gorgeous late summer or  early autumn day to enjoy the changing colours.

Distance was 6.3 km.