Nine eager hikers donned their snowshoes after following protocol in order to cross Hwy 108 to the trail head of the Paul Torrence trail. Well, hydro crews have been in there and have bulldozed a wide trough through lovely bush leaving sapling stumps sticking out to trip over and an intoxicating odor of newly cut wood, heavenly scent. We headed right toward the swamp following deep tracks from a machine until they ran out and we started breaking trail and very shortly the leader turned the group around and we headed back from whence we came and then took another passable trail toward Grants trail.
When it ran out we sat on the top of the rut and had our break. Keith made us pretend that Mara was with us as he passed around her iconic plastic tub of chocolate and cheese. It was a lovely hike, warm weather and the conditions turned out okay but only because we didn’t have to break trail. Thanks to Ruth for sweeping.