Wednesday, July 01, 2009

2009 Canada Day Hike.

Great attendance, 18 members, for the Canada Day ceremony and hike over to Spruce Beach, and back to TH. Thx to all and Scott for these pics. See his comments below.

Wed, 1 Jul 2009

Happy Canada Day! to all our hikers. We had about 15 hikers this morning, it rained as we gathered in the parking lot, but the rain did not last long. We saw our Mayor open Canada Day with flags waving, A native drum anthem, The national anthem, and then we started our hike. Gerry, & Liz were our Flag Bearers, we kept to the streets mostly, because of the slippery conditions on the trail from Westview Park to Spruce Beach. We finished the hike with a gathering at Tim Hortons.

Scott Helman.