Rest stop. See comments by Scott below and thx for the pics Scott.
Granary Lake from the lunch spot
Wasp nest in the blueberry patch
Liz & Phill hiding in the bushes
Trans Canada Trail Clearing near Granary Lake. ( Blind River. Ont. )
Thu, 9 Jul 2009
Jean-Guy, Liz, Phill, Scott, 4 Stewardship Rangers, & their boss ( Kaylin) all got together for a day of trail clearing north of Blind River. We did the Trans Canada Trail that runs parallel to Granary Lake & up to Intersect Lake, then back down to Granary Lake, eventually meeting up with The Elliot Lake portion of he TCT which was cleared to Crooked Creek on Tuesday July 7 , this is the portion that begins near Rossmere Creek on Pipeline Rd. We started at 9:30am on Weds., and were mostly traveling on a shared use ATV Trail ( a lot of damage & mud holes on the trail.) When the trail headed up towards Intersect Lake & then back down too Granary Lake, our team of Stewardship Rangers found work to keep themselves busy clearing overgrown branches on the trail. Phill put up some new markers, and a few new Trans Canada Trail signs. We made it all the way to the Golden Spike on the trail, and then at that time it was lunch. We climbed to a nice lookout high above Granary Lake. From the Spike east to Crooked Creek will need to be cleared at another time. After lunch we made our way down from the lookout & made our way back on the TCT, doing some more clearing & posting of new signs & markers. The morning was very buggy during our work, but later in the day it warmed up, and we had less bugs to compete with. We finished our day's work at 3:00pm. We were all very muddy, tired, thirsty, sweaty, and had enough with all the bugs, but a good day's work was done by all! Enjoy hiking on a well cleared trail! (Good Work Ranger's!)
Scott Helman.
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