Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Biodiversity Day, May 28th.

The attached received from Tracey Cooke, Stewardship Coordinator, Information Management, MNR, Sault Ste. Marie Division.

The theme for the International Day on Biological Diversity (IDB) in 2010 is Biodiversity,
Development and Poverty Alleviation. Designation of IDB 2010 on the theme of development
provides Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and those dealing
with development, opportunity to raise awareness of the issue and increase practical action.
On the community/regional development scale, this includes things like restoring natural
habitat, minimizing resource use, reducing waste, and just being good neighbours to our
‘natural’ friends.
Help protect and promote Ontario’s Biodiversity, and engage in a day of action to promote
Biodiversity. The East Algoma Stewardship Council in partnership with the Spanish Horticultural
Society, the Town of Spanish and the Biodiversity Education Awareness Network
will be hosting a local day of action involving a Community Garden kick-off on
28th, 2010 at the Spanish Marina Complex
The event will be held from 10 am—2 pm and will include guest speakers on community
gardening, vermi-composting and biodiversity. The afternoon will officially open the garden
and include planting. We need your support and participation to make this day a success!
Lunch will be available for purchase at the Marina Complex.