Swinging the axe. (He thinks he's a lunberjack)
Using the new chainsaw
Hey, life's great!
Wow! What a day! Grant, John and Jim went out on Friday to a spot near Sherriff Lake and prepared the site for a cookout. They chose a spot that they hoped would be sheletered from the forecasted high winds on Saturday. Turned out they got it right.
26 assembled at the Sears lot on Saturday, making 29 the total for the cookout. We were able to walk most of the way on packed trails, only requiring snowshoes as we neared Sherriff Lake. It was a melee of cooking spikes (pre-prepared by the fire crew) at the fire with everything under the sun being burned for lunch. In addition, we were treated to several goodies of the sweet kind by some of the thoughtful hikers.
A great day, thanks to Larry & Gail, Grant, Jim and "Only" John, for making it a success.
Enroute on the trail
The "melee" at the fire
Great coals
Heading home
A double double?
Enjoying the fire and company
Thanks to Pim, Jim and Carol for the pics.