Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Schedule for June 2011

Schedule for June 2011

Thursday 2nd  Intermediate hike         John B.  578-2122
Saturday 4th   Easy hike                     Steve     461-3872
Tuesday 7th    Easy hike                     Emily     848-5980
Thursday 9th   Intermediate hike        John B     578-2122
Saturday 11th   Easy hike                     TBA      
Tuesday 14th   Easy hike                      Emily    848-5980
Tuesday 14th  Executive meeting 2:00pm at 9 Benner
Wednesday 15th  Kayak and Canoe outing 
                                                         Jean-Guy   848-2544
Thursday 16th Intermediate hike        Gerry & Nickie  461-6304
Friday 17th Pot luck at Westview Park 4:00
Saturday 18th   Easy hike                     Jean-Guy   848-2544
Tuesday 21nd    Easy hike                    Steve         461-3872
Tuesday 21st General Meeting at the Snowbirds 
                      Clubhouse 7:00 pm
Thursday 23th  Intermediate hike         Fred            848-2956
Saturday 25th   Easy hike                     TBA
Tuesday  28th   Easy hike                      Jean-Guy  848-2544
Thursday 30th   Intermediate hike         TBA          261-0887