Minutes, Coureurs de Bois Outdoors Club General Meeting – June 21, 2011
Members – 27
Phil opened the meeting at 7:00pm., and welcomed all in attendance.
New member Stephanie Pepin was introduced. Stephanie is our youngest member.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read.
Phil described in detail the Geo-caching program and reminded us that the first event would be on June 25th at Westview park as 12:30. He encouraged us to attend.
the Hike Leaders Course led by Gerry Jean was very successful.
Jean-Guy would be organizing a canoe/kayak day on June 17 with rain date of the following Sunday. All to meet at Sears parking lot.
It would appear that financial support of $1500., stipend has been confirmed by the City.
Carmen has been relocated to Collins Hall.
Phil thanked those who participated in the highway clean-up.
The name “Slow Poke Hikes” has been changed to “Walk and Gawk.” Leaders were reminded to have 2 forms on hand; one for regular scheduled hike and one for Walk and Gawk.
Alan Day moved approval. Seconded by Jim McLean. Motion accepted.
Steve will lead a Walk and Gawk at the Cobra hike in September.
Upcoming Events
Our Pot Luck supper held at Westview park was successful.
Geo-caching will be this Saturday with the following event on July 10. Advertising by the City will be in the Standard, North Shore News, and on the radio.
Rain date will be the following week.
Phil encouraged all to come out as it will be a good learning experience.
There are 3 geo-caches out in Westview Park with 2 levels of difficulty leading to different areas.
There will be a lot of help to learn and perhaps we can use geo-caches eventually on our own hikes.
Anyone interested in joining geo-caching simply joins at geocaching .com free of charge.
if we register a geo-cache we are obligated to maintain it.
We now have 7 GPS's.
Lake Superior Trip
Jean-Guy reported that there didn't seem to be much interest and he is not able to participate nor organize the event this year.
Phil asked for a Volunteer organizer.
Hike Ontario Summit Meeting
The Organizers would like input from us regarding Speakers that we recommend for the event. Phil suggested a Speaker from the Shared Use Trail Association.
The Hotel and rooms have been booked.
Phil asked us if we as the Club should pay for our members the amount of $10.00 to attend the Summit Meeting. He felt that it might encourage them to attend.
Shelley's opinion is that we should pay for ourselves.
A good show of hands indicated interest in attending. The majority of members prefer to pay for themselves.
Meetings will take place on the Saturday from 8:30 – 4:30 and approximately 100 people are expected in attendance.
On the Sunday we should organize hikes and Phil made several trail suggestions.
Alan asked for Leaders to take them on the more spectacular trails.
Friday night will be Pub Night at the Fireside Bar and Grill.
Saturday lunch is paid for on one' s own.
hil has an idea for Saturday night's dinner that he is working on; a wild meat buffet for $10.00 at a restaurant in Cutler with members being transported by bus that would be paid for from our $500.00 advance expense money from Hike Ontario. If this does not work out the Coachman restaurant might be the next option.
A sign up sheet was made available for members willing to help in any way including billeting of Hike Ontario members.
Emily asked if the general public could attend and Phil agreed to find out.
Welcome packages will be provided and perhaps water bottles.
Topics in Summit (our suggestions )
1) Shared use experience.
2) Difficulties maintaining trails. (95)
3) Establishing trails in difficult areas.
Other Issues Phil had a call from Claire Dimock Child Care Center asking us to work with children aged 6 – 12 years.
The issue of what we should do for Larry came up. The decision was made to wait until he has been transferred to Rehab in Hamilton. Shelley suggested doing something continuous and on-going for example a subscription to the Standard Newspaper. Members were in agreement.
Alan suggested printing pictures of our hikes and sending them to Larry on a regular basis.
Phil asked for volunteer Leaders for Larry's 6 upcoming hikes as well as 2 other vacancies.
Trail Clearing: Nordic Mine Rd., trail has been well cleared.
Gerry reported that Tamara had the Cobra Trail cleared.
Plastic signs have fallen off the trees on the trails and suggestion was made that we use paint instead. Alan favours plastic as paint is very high maintenance.
Recently 1000 plastic signs were ordered so we must use those first. Alan suggested using aluminum nails or metal roofing screws with rubber washers to hold them in place.
Other business
Phil reminded everyone that the existing executive will be stepping down therefore are able to be this year's nominating committee. Everyone was encouraged to give thought to this process since every executive position will have to be filled.
Upcoming Hikes; Cup and Saucer in Manatoulin in the Fall.
Alan Rutherford reminded us of the Christmas dinner on December 17th at the Curling Club.
Hall rental will be $100.00 and HST will apply to all costs.
It had been suggested that wine not be on the table this year since some people do not drink it and should not be required to pay towards it within their ticket price. However, Alan said that the ticket price of $25.00 will be the same as last year due to the HST and that we could make a small profit.
Diana said that the Club was never meant to make a profit from the Christmas party.
This will be further discussed at the next meeting.
Alan Day reported that the East Algoma Stewardship Council meeting at Dunlop Lodge would be the next day June 22 from 6:30 – 8:00.
Alan encourages people to maintain Bumble Bee Boxes for ecological reasons. Instructions are on the Internet.
Treasurer/Recording Secretary's Report
Brenda reported that she has volunteered to be Interim Recording Secretary in Larry's absence.
Brenda reported a current Bank Balance of $3416.64 excluding the $500.00 for Hike Ontario expenses, and $50.00 in petty cash.
Phil reported that our Weekend in the Park camping expenses will be paid by the individual members attending. However, the club will pick up day trip drivers' admission to the Park that week-end.
Sign -up sheet was available for those interested.
50/50 draw of $18.00 was won by Phil.
Our next meeting will be the 3rd Tuesday in September.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30pm. Minutes prepared by; Brenda Gooding