Monday, November 14, 2011

The WG hikes:

-should take place on a regular hiking day.

-must follow the regular hike protocol by being led by a certified hike leader, using the hike sign-in

sheets, use of whistles, safety precautions, etc.

-should not be part of any other hike, but be a hike in itself.

.should be approx. two hours in length, but no longer.

-should be on terrain that is relatively easy to traverse and exclude bush- whacking.

-should require that all participants be within 50 meters of each other.

-the pace should be easy and adjusted to the slowest in the group.

-lunch stops should be an enjoyable experience and final decision to move on is up to the hike leader.

All participants must advise the hike leader in advance of any medical conditions that need to be

considered during the hike.

A simple way to ensure keeping within the recommended time allotment is to do an "in and out" hike,

i.e. it does not necessarily need to be a loop. This allows the group to hike approx. one hour one way,

stop for lunch and return.

I am oflering to lead a W/G hike soon.