General Meeting January 16th/2018
Members present – 29
Laura C. opened the meeting at 7 pm
Minutes of previous meeting were approved by Emily W., seconded by Donna C.
Presidents Report
New club executive introductions: Laura Chaplinsky-President, Art Friesen-Vice President,
Jackie Schuknecht-Secretary & Treasurer.
Jackie Schuknecht-Secretary & Treasurer.
Also the following members supporting: Doug Robinson blog pilot;
Astrid Turner blog co-pilot and statistician; Donna Condon-membership secretary.
Hike Leader trainer- Gerry Jean, Snowshoes – Gerry Jean and Gayle Robinson,
Gerry Robataille – media liason.
Astrid Turner blog co-pilot and statistician; Donna Condon-membership secretary.
Hike Leader trainer- Gerry Jean, Snowshoes – Gerry Jean and Gayle Robinson,
Gerry Robataille – media liason.
The highway clean-up will be scheduled in the spring.
Shared-use meeting is in February, Laura C., Marty and Astrid T., will be attending.
Laura C., sat in on a VTA conference call, nothing relevant to report to our club at this time.
City stipend has been prepared for next year for submission to the city council, monies received
from this go towards rental of the clubhouse among other things.
from this go towards rental of the clubhouse among other things.
Vice Presidents Report
Winterfest preparations are ongoing.
Trail Masters Report
Ron T. mentioned the possible purchase of a bush saw due to the age and condition of the current
Not too much clearing has been done other than for Phill’s cookout. A lot of trees are down in
Mississagi Park – clearing will be done in the spring.
Mississagi Park – clearing will be done in the spring.
Secretary/Treasurers Report
Jackie S. reported all transactions since our last meeting in November. Approved by Doug R.,
seconded by Jim M.
seconded by Jim M.
Ongoing Business
Sheila H. mentioned that Moose Lodge needs more volunteers for the Christmas party.
Possible date change next year to Friday Dec. 7th, because there was not enough time to prep
for the party. CJ will be organizing.
Possible date change next year to Friday Dec. 7th, because there was not enough time to prep
for the party. CJ will be organizing.
The Winterfest date needs to be changed as it conflicts with an event at the ski hill. Art to investigate.
Membership renewals are going well. Donna C. asks for a cheque or Money Order be given to her.
Laura reminded members to please update Donna C. of any email, address, or phone number changes.
New Business
Three new motions were introduced by George H.
- Executive changeover to take place before the January Club meeting at a meeting with the outgoing and incoming members in attendance. 2nd by Astrid T. Motion carried.
- Budget year follows the calendar year and ends on Dec. 31st and is still the responsibility of the Secretary/Treasurer. (A mutually agreed upon date of mid-January was agreed upon). 2nd by Astrid T. Motion carried.
- We the membership of the Coureurs de Bois have asked George H., to investigate the implications of our withdrawal from the Voyageur Trail Association to establish our own club, to be known as the Elliot lake Hiking Club, under the umbrella of Hike Ontario. (Motion amended to exclude the name change for now). 2nd by Astrid T. Motion carried.
Completed hike leader sheets go to Astrid and she will compile stats.
Phil suggested the club consider multiple level classification for the easy hikes (only). Phil volunteered
to come up with more info on this suggestion.
to come up with more info on this suggestion.
A gear swap will be scheduled for the next general meeting on March 20th. Bring your gear for swap
or sale.
or sale.
4 GPS units are available for sign-out.
Next general meeting is scheduled for March 20th.
Meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm.
Minutes prepared by Jackie Schuknecht