It has been decided to keep the winterfest snowshoe hike on Saturday March 3rd for this year. We will be up against ski races on Mt Dufour and considerable attractions on Spruce beach.
We will be needing volunteers for preparing the fire pit, helping with the food, fitting snowshoes and members to guide our guests from the ski hill parking lot to Horne Island. More information to follow. Please keep this weekend open.
I encourage every member to tell their friends young and old about the event and that the snowshoes will be provided (free), and there will be free hotdogs and hot chocolate.
After this year’s events we will brainstorm about what is to be done at next year’s winterfest and submit that plan to the city before next winter. One thought is our event is listed as a ‘family event’ and maybe the afternoon should be targeting active or want-to-be active retirees.
Art & Carolyn