Saturday, October 16, 2021

ELLIOT FALLS 2021 10 16

 Dave led a hike today, of 14, from the Pipeline road down to the falls at the end of Elliot lake.. muddy trail so I skirted a few by bush wacking new routes.. great fall day for it.. leaves carpeted ankle deep everywhere... lots of water coming down the fall and on to Quimby lake... we have had a lot of rain lately.. up to the dam where three decided to stay and enjoy the tranquility of the lake view.. the rest of us climbed the Red Brifet trail to the look out over Elliot lake from 100 meters or so above the lake... snack and photo op there at the new bench that Jim and Tom installed this summer.. back down the tricky slope as all the roots and rocks were covered by the fallen leaves... picking up our crew we headed back up the trail to Pipeline only to find that two Jesus hills had appeared on the trail.. never noticed them when they were downhills... 4 hours and 6 km later we were back to the cars and were able to slalom our way round the wash boards and puddles back to town... a couple of trees are down and need clearing...


PS ....BOTH led by Dave, one today (Oct. 16th, 2021) and one a year ago on the 29th of Oct.. This link: you to the photos from a year ago, the falls were raging after record precip. in early Oct.. The water was a foot below the bridge, we have never(?) seen it as high as it was a year ago! That was around the time that Bill and Bonnie wanted to do McCabe, but the "river" was impassable and the skids were washed downstream.