Dave led a large group of 20 hikers today. We left half the cars at the arena and drove to the fire tower; then, proceeded down the ridge trail past lungbuster and Bruno to the Jackrabbit junction. Then on down to the top of the ski hill. After a water break, we took the VTA trail across the top of the Horne lake ridge down to the look out for a snack and rest. Back on the trail, we kept going down past the caves to the blue sanctuary trail and then around Horne lake and back to hwy 108 . We did a "safety cross" to get back to the arena and then those who ferried people to the tower were given rides back to their cars.. 3 hour hike, beauty spots all the way. So glad we did it downhill and not uphill.. 20 is a lot to handle in a snaking line, when we talk about a point of interest half of them aren't there yet.