On a not too muggy, sunny Thursday afternoon 10 hikers started from the Esten Dr North entrance to the Porridge Lake Trail.
People enjoyed rhe cool air under the tree canopy. Most trees were hemlock, pine or cedar along the shore. Some yellow birch trees had burls, roots that looked like T -Rex feet from Jurassic Park and maybe some chaga!
We kept looking up into the trees to see if a bear was taking a siesta in the large branches. No luck. But some day.....
We stopped at Fox Drive and saw where the City had been doing some excavation recently. We turned back after seeing where the Porridge Lake Trail heads back to parrallel Hwy 108. We enjoyed a snack break at the turn off to a new trail. That trail was lead us through deciduous trees . We saw where people sometimes tap maples for the sap to make maple syrup. Lots of erratic rocks were visible through the bush. There was a group of flat sided slabs of rock that had broken off a larger erratic along the trail. Looked almost like they had been precision cut. We followed this trail through stands of wild roses, yellow and orange hawkweed , crown vetches, lupins and tansies back to our vehicles. A good leisurely stroll for a Thursday afternoon