The city has cancelled the uranium days parade so we will have no float.. thanks for those that started work on it
C de B has cleaned the Highway 108 from the airport to Depot Lake for many years. We finally got the paper work for our renewed highway clean up. Due to the advanced heat and bugs we will schedule the cleanup in the fall.
We have received our bill for the insurance from Hike Ontario's carrier and have paid it for the year till next spring.
We received our dues from Hike Ontario and have submitted our payment.
Part of our membership fee to the VTA is returned to the member clubs. We received notice from the VTA that they had neglected to pay us our share for several years. They owed us about $3000 and have agreed to pay it to us. We await the cheque.
Sign up to help at the park for Lumberjack days has 5 people so far. July30 at noon till 5 and Sunday 9 am till 5.. we thought that we could lead hikes on the Semiwhite Creek trail every two hours. as well as parking control.
Jim Belingham has a knee problem so Chuck has been left leading the Thursday afternoon hikes on his own.. if someone could help him out by either finding suitable hikes or leading some it would be thankfully received...
A potluck will be held on Wednesday July 13th .watch for details.. call Diane or Bonnie to help.