Nine hikers set out to explore a new trail, originally discovered by accident by two club members when looking for a trail recommended by Chuck. It wasn't the trail they were looking to hike, but it is a lovely walk. The trailhead is 11.5 km south on the east side of Hwy 108, just past the turn to McCarthy Lake.
Deer flies welcomed our group with some enthusiasm, accompanied by mosquitos. Dave was a special favourite, and his arms were constantly in motion trying to keep them away. Good upper body workout without poles!
We had hoped to extend our hike by exploring a skidoo trail that was noted in the winter, but the vegetation obscured any sign of the skidoo trail.
We did however, sample the newly ripe blueberries, and admire the pond created by busy beavers and covered with water lily blossoms. Perfect moose habitat (although none were spotted today). We couldn't cross between the two ponds as the ground was too wet.
The general consensus was that this trial has potential for snowshoeing in the winter, and, although shorter than many would have preferred, it was a very pleasant walk.