Please note Pizza at 6:30 meeting starts 7pm
Coureurs de Bois
Agenda Sept. 20, 2022
1Welcome introductions and thanks,
2 approval of minutes :corrections, additions,
3 treasurers report
4 VP report absent
5 Trail master report/requests,
6 hike leaders meetings.
7 Business arising?
8 new business
New Vice President
Executive and by-laws to be voted on in November (AGM.)
Thanks for the potluck.
Trans Canada Trail
highway cleaning project
Chuck – senior hikes
By-laws and constitution.
Car pooling, gas costs and contributions
June pot luck at Westview/ review
E.L.R.L Grant.
Vacine mandate
sale of large chain saw.
New lock for tool shed, key control..
membership dues.
Snow shoes, time to order, fee for long term use, damage repair.
Certified leader renewal.
New chainsaw certified members.
C de B crest update
next meeting November..
everyone heard?
closing and thanks.