C de B report for shared use meeting.
Renewed our membership in September.. about 100 members.
Trail clearing going apace.
We finished “Emily's trail” from Spine beach out to Sandy point. Had a dedication on Sept. 11 to name it for Emily Windle who backboned the work and route finding..
On Saturday 22nd we will be cleaning our section of the highway from the airport down to Depot lake.
On Saturday, Sept. 29 we will be hiking and dedicating “Grant's Trail” south off Panel mine road in to the west end of Rye lake. A team of 9 workers cleared and marked the trail last week.
Retirement living gave us a grant for clearing tools, safety equipment, trail signs and snowshoes.. the club has 70 older snowshoes that we hope to replace over the next 10 years. We loan these out to members to try to see if they want to buy their own. We also use them to loan during winterfest, as we lead short hikes out to Horne island at that time.
Our VP Julie Burton has moved to New Brunswick in time for the hurricane and we agreed on Louise McLean to step in for her term.