Monday, October 10, 2022

SPLIT ROCK 2022 10 10

 Beautiful morning for a  impromptu hike. The sun was shining brightly upon us, with nary a draft of wind. There were remnants of frost on the ground that transformed into glistening diamonds in the field. Quirk Lake was like a mirror as Jean-Guy led us into the bush to climb, scratch and scramble over rocks  and trees to make our way to Split Rock. Along the way there were many signs of Ungulates along the way. A few hikers were lucky to see a nice doe. Arriving on Flat Rock some basked in the sun while others were stricken by the awe inspiring beauty of the area. There was much gleeful chatter and smiling faces.

As one of the hikers recently celebrated a birthday, we sang the Happy Birthday song atop Rooster Rock.

Was a great hike enjoyed by all.
