Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Woodpecker to Crystal to Slipper lake 2024 07 09

  Thanks to those who shared their pics.

I led 8 on one of my favourite trails today. From the snow dump, up the woodpecker to Esten trail behind Frame to Crystal lake. Short break and on up to the Slipper look out for lunch.
We voted on making the loop and headed for Pim's camp on Slipper. Lots of blow downs en-route and it will need a serious clean up.
Pim has cleaned his site and it is pristine as usual.
We attacked the hill on the way out, dragging limbs and branches out of the way.
Finished the loop to the camp and back to the trail down to the lowlands, water, horsetail and mud. We managed it as usual.
Back for a water break on the shores of Slipper and so on to the atv trail to All nations and back to the cars.
4.7 kms, all on hills it seem. 3 hours and several dead mossies and deerfly..
loads of chicory, vetch, buttercups, tansy, indian pipes, daisy, healall, wild cucumber, ortrich ferns, the one with the red berrys on the underside of the leaf.. (Missed your brain Em ) lots of varieties of mushroom have come out..
red squirrel, odd piping bird, heard one woodpecker..
nice day, overcast and humid but not HOT. great bunch
