Sunday, August 04, 2024

Additional info for Old Baldy hike 2024 08 04

 Afternoon folks... like all outing's that are being planned there are items to add so that everyone is aware, One such item is that getting into the boats from the dock at Laurentian Lodge should not present a problem, however there is no dock for us to land at over near Old Baldy, in this case we will be landing the boats along the shore which is rocky and so you will need to be comfortable walking to the front of the boat and carefully climbing over the bow onto the shore, I don't foresee an issue but just want to make all those going aware so that no-one is surprised by what we will need to do. So far there are 12 members going on the hike. If you are thinking of going please return your response to me through the email that Louise sent out, thanks