Monday, August 05, 2024

ATV & OFSC trails south of Porridge Lake 2024 08 05

 Four of us enjoyed a pleasant time exploring the ATV & OFSC trails on old dumpsite south of Porridge Lake.  

We saw stands of huge hemlocks. One huge dead one had lost the top part leaving a great habitat for raccoon, owls or hawk nest areas. 

Queen Anne 's Lace. Tansy, Chicory, White Sweet Clover,  some red Maple leaves and brown Curly Docks provided colour in what felt like a late summer day. The coolish, refreshing breeze also gave that feel.... autumn is on its way! 

We found 2 apple trees of different types: one Crabapple, the other an  undetermined type  but, still delicious!

We took our refreshment break at a picnic table on the shore of Porridge Lake. People had had a  campfire with a frying pan, spoon and BBQ tongs waiting for the next meal to be prepped. We also found an interesting "dragon head" ring and a Mickey full of H20! 
There is inspiration for a great Country Western song, methinks!

A 4.4 km hike at a leisurely pace was a great way to spend a holiday Monday.